Between Posts…

Here is a post I strongly urge you to read. The Stades Last Stand. One of the forces affecting what gets written here is my sense of the need for something to be written. If something is not being said, then let me take a stab at it. But when others write eloquently on aContinueContinue reading “Between Posts…”

Taking a breath…

After a week out of town and still recovering from a cold caught in that time away from my customary relative isolation, I’m still not ready to write anything substantive here. This post is just to let you know this blog is not down, only temporarily awaiting fresh energies. I actually welcome these times –ContinueContinue reading “Taking a breath…”

Catalytic Conversation, a Concentric Approach to Dialogue

There is a vacuum of attention as we persist in focusing on our perceived problems. We are trapped within our confusion that arises around our conceptions of clarity. We arrive at clarity. It cannot be manufactured. How can we find/create a portal, a place through which we might pass and come together in dialogue? –ContinueContinue reading “Catalytic Conversation, a Concentric Approach to Dialogue”