
We are lost without sincerity. To be immersed in lies; to constantly dissemble; to be treated as an object for someone else’s purposes; is to find our selves in the utmost precarity. An apocryphal tale whose source I can no longer remember sticks with me. It’s of a moment of first encounter between a NorthContinueContinue reading “Sincerity”

On the Impossibility of Mediated Ritual

Attempting to watch a video of a recent gathering in Britain I was struck by this thought; that no actual ritual can survive passing through a mediated filtering intact. Not only will our understanding of it be broken, but any value it might have held risks being destroyed in the process. If we give itContinueContinue reading “On the Impossibility of Mediated Ritual”

The Currency of Trust

The last post has brought us to the point of examining trust. This phrase, the currency of trust, appears to hold some promise. Let’s begin with another word, seriousness. Serious, trust, compassion; these are among a suite of terms we fear today, or hide our fear behind disdain at their current condition and denatured meanings.ContinueContinue reading “The Currency of Trust”

Intention, Sincerity & the Works of I

This post is a departure for Horizons of Significance. Instead of an essay, this post is a poem. There have been times when while writing fiction or essays, I’ve felt what was coming out might really be a narrative or expository poem instead. Coming off the last post, which seems to have brought some sortContinueContinue reading “Intention, Sincerity & the Works of I”

Nature is a term for that which was born

I’ve studied the meaning of “nature” for forty odd years. I took a class on it in 1972, when there were few such courses. I’ve been as confused over what it could possibly mean as anyone, caught between all the assumptions that have stuck to the term. Then in the first week of this year,ContinueContinue reading “Nature is a term for that which was born”

A Conversation around Questions of Sincerity, Stone Soup

Andrew Taggart has become the first contributing author on Stone Soup. In his first post he looks at the story and responds to the skeptic’s view. In the end he asks, “How can someone … avoid the fate of the con man?” I’d like to take a stab at that. I’d like to say theContinueContinue reading “A Conversation around Questions of Sincerity, Stone Soup”

Here’s the Thing…

If we can’t drive a wedge of awareness into the current cycle of how we make judgements, if we can’t find ways to break the loops we’re trapped in, we are condemned to continue repeating them over and over again until we are swept away by the sheer volume of our irrelevancy. This is anContinueContinue reading “Here’s the Thing…”